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Parents Angry at the French Immersion School System in Vancouver, Canada

Learning French in Vancouver is pretty difficult, but it is even more difficult to enroll your children in a French immersion school in Vancouver and BC, Canada.

There are up to 1,000 children turned away from the province’s French immersion programs every year! A considerable figure.

There are not enough qualified French-speaking teachers employed by the VSB and this trend is going to increase as the demand for French immersion has increased by 47% since 2003.

French immersion classes are also sought after for other reasons such as the lower rate of ESL students enrolled in these classes 2% compared to 34.5% for English classes.

There are also less special needs students enrolled in French immersion 2% instead of 8% respectively.

French immersion classes are competitive and children have to work hard because the academic level is generally higher than in regular classes.

Many parents are on a waiting list and often cannot find a seat for their children. This issue will be solved only by hiring more qualified French teacher in BC.

Article Name
Long French Immersion Waiting List: Inadmissible in Vancouver
French lessons, french immersion, vancouver, BC, Canada, waiting list
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